Friday, May 9, 2008

A Journey to Ellerslie Nursery

This picture is of a gorgeous begonia sleeping deep inside a bush at Ellerslie Nursery, where Gramma and I went earlier this evening to buy soil and marigolds and 3 different herb seedlings (Italian flat-leaf parsley, rosemary, and "mint julep" mint).

This picture is of Gramma checking out a crazy plant with paper-thin leaves; she thought it was the neatest thing. I brought my old digital camera (with the loose battery door) with me for Gramma to have and we figured the nursery, with its many beautiful blooms, would be a good place for her to practise her digital photography skills. She didn't take as many pictures as I did, but I think she's getting the hang of it.
Mad sick skills, kids. I can take pictures like Nazia now. Hear that, Naz? I learned your secret! It's called "macro setting" and I hold the power now. Mwahahahaha!
Anyways, here's the nursery, or at least part of it. I can't wait for Gramma to get back from Toronto so we can go buy more plants! The University of Alberta is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and is asking all the gardeners in Edmonton to plant green and gold (yellow) flowers this summer in celebration, hence the yellow marigolds we picked up earlier. But lots of other flowers come in yellow, and purple happens to be one of the best colours to plant with yellow, so I think this is going to be a very colourful summer.

Time to go read my books. I joined the Edmonton Public Library. I totally belong.

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valerie salerie said...

your gardening adventures sound beautiful. are the plants and flowers quite difft from the ones that grow in the toronto area?

that big leaf that your gramma is holding looks like paper, it's not even GREEEEN :P

Anonymous said...

Its great to see the pictures Laura. It is also great that you are investing in Edmonton. Have you looked into Folk Festival tickets yet? Mom