Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Festival City

Last Wednesday we were lucky enough to receive a phone call from my mom's cousin Linda Adam and her husband Bill. Linda is from the Kidd family, my Grampa's sister's lot. She's a riot and so is Bill, so it was nice to have them come and see everyone while they were here. They were visiting from Calgary, kind of roaming around the Edmonton-Mayerthorpe area and chilling with friends and such. When I go to Calgary on the 30th, hopefully I'll get to see them again. They have a 12-year-old daughter named C/Katherine who was at camp when they came to visit, and I would like to see her again.
On Friday night we headed down to Churchill Square for the Taste of Edmonton festival. Restaurants from all over the city set up booths and serve 2 selections from their restaurant for a set number of tickets. Among the deliciousness we sampled: bacon-wrapped scallops, seafood paella, beef curry, salmon teryaki, garlic dry ribs, lobster and crab rotini, Vietnamese spring rolls, chocoloate peanut butter chunk, and the MacDonald Hotel's scones with saskatoon berry compote, shown above.
We also had a bit to drink, illustrated above.
On Sunday we had Dale, Syrell, Carson, Amanda and Erica over for brunch. Erica is getting big so fast and she's TOO CUTE.

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1 comment:

nk said...

family is the best!! love these pictures, you look soo happy. and that is just the cutest pooh bear i have ever seen.